F628A Simple Program
Смотреть видео Electronic PROJECT WITH A SIMPLE PIC16F628A BY SONER YAZ на ruslar.ru бесплатно. 3 1 soner yaz 7 год. UFO LED Chaser на PIC16F628A. Добавлено: 3 год. Александр Хороший 3 год. Electronics project: super hearing aid. Добавлено: 7 год. Backyard Amusement 7 год. Weekend Projects - Little Big Lamp. Добавлено: 5 год. How to make Steam Power Generator - a cool sc.
Project site: This is my first electronics project, designed and made by myself. The idea is to present a digital clock which displays the Desktop PC time. The time data is sent to the digital display through COM port. The pic16f628A microcontroller recieve the data and using multiplexing technique controls the 7-segment leds by activating each one with the proper value using a transistor per each. Only one 7-segment is switched on in a single time (for 100ms), than it turns off, and the next one is activated and so it goes on in an endless loop.
The display value is sent to a 4511 bcd-to-7-segment driver which converts the binary value sent from the microcontroller to the 7-segment leds. The microcontroller program was developed in assembly language using the free microchip's MPLAB IDE.
- Для изучения хорошо подойдет популярный МК с минимальным набором периферии: PIC16F628A. Первым делом необходимо скачать документацию по выбранному микроконтроллеру. Достаточно зайти на сайт производителя и скачать Datasheet. Program All, затем Verify All. Если ошибок не возникло, продолжаем паять.
- Собрал и испытал схему: Усманов Альберт, Давлеканово-2.08.2013 год.
The chip was programmed by using a controller which allows low-voltage programming (LVP) through Parallel port and using WinPic800 software. Лото семь игр в одной коробке. The PC driving software is a simple Win32 console application which samples the local time, constructs the data using a simple protocol I made, and sends the data through serial COM port. A drawing design of the whole circuit was made in Visio software and the project was built on a project board according to the drawing. The project board is actually divided into 3 sections: 1.
Power supply circuit. Microcontroller and accessories. Display leds and their driver. The circuits are inter-connected using cables so although all is on the same board, one can easily build the project as 3 separated circuits to save space. It took a fare amount of time to design and build this project - it involves many fields of technologies and knowledge, some I have solid background and some that were lernt during the process. It was quite ambitious to start my first electronics project with this idea. Видео PIC16F628A based PC controlled digital clock канала alphap8.